
Player Roster

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Last Name First Name Tee H.I.™
Aafedt John White 6.9
Adams Doug Yellow 18.8
Asmussen Wes Yellow 20.8
Barreira Thomas Yellow 23.6
Boegel Dennis Yellow 11.7
Borchers Dick White 18.6
Breen Tom Yellow 22.6
Brown Donald White 18.6
Brunckhorst Barry Yellow 11.3
Buhl Bill Yellow 16.4
Caine John White 9.5
Casamajor Alan Yellow 20.3
Castillo Sil Yellow 25.1
Ceresa Don Yellow 9.9
Clark Grant Yellow 21.1
Costa Ed White 25.1
De Roza Tom White 12.2
Dupont Tom Yellow 18.5
Espina Ed Yellow 22.8
Evans Jon Yellow 21.7
Farmer Scott Yellow 14.1
Ferrara Mark White 19.9
Fisher Gary White 14.5
Fisher John White 6.6
Freitas Dan Yellow 14.9
Fritz Howard Yellow 27.3
Gomes Al Yellow 14.1
Gonzales Bob White 16.8
Graf Larry White 11.6
Grenier Rob Yellow 20.4
Guerin Jay Yellow 7.9
Gygax Frank Yellow 4.5
Harford Rich Yellow 20.4
Hempel Bob Yellow 29.8
Herkelrath Bill Yellow 25.2
Heucke Mark White 14.0
Hilke Fred White 9.8
Holmes Bob Yellow 14.8
Ilg Fred Yellow 19.5
Ishii Kunio Yellow 19.7
Juarez Joe Yellow 18.6
Kagel Phil White 15.5
Kennedy Kurt White 18.4
Kettwig Joe Yellow 13.3
Knight Kerry Yellow 23.4
Lee Fred Yellow 22.1
Mannina Bob White 8.6
Martin Brad White 13.9
Mayfield Charles Yellow 12.3
McCollom Perry White 14.6
McKinnon Ian Yellow 21.7
Messa Larry Yellow 18.4
Messer Tony Yellow 15.5
Meyer Jay Yellow 12.6
Moore Pat White 7.2
Morris Jerry Yellow 17.3
Murphy Patrick Yellow 21.9
Nambisan Raman Yellow 16.9
Nichols Bill Yellow 14.2
Nystrom Keith White 18.8
Padilla Roman White 16.3
Palladino Ed Yellow 19.3
Palmer Jim White 9.8
Petit Peter Yellow 24.5
Pond John Yellow 30.4
Price Jeff Yellow 21.6
Primeau Gary Yellow 18.7
Proffitt Jim Yellow 23.2
Rasmussen Tom Yellow 18.4
Santiago Leo Yellow 12.3
Selsor Terry Yellow 12.5
Smith Jim Yellow 15.5
Smith Wally White 16.4
Stastka Ron White 10.4
Strickland Stan Yellow 29.8
Taniguchi Ken Yellow 8.8
TBD 81 -
Terry Paul Yellow 26.8
Weeks Peter Yellow 22.5
Westphal Larry Yellow 15.5
Wolf Bob Yellow 18.1
Wong Ron Yellow 15.3
Zuniga Rick Yellow 20.3